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Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Heritage Festival workers during the August long weekend
  • Casino volunteers
  • Food preparation for a variety of annual events
  • Maintenance of front garden

Donation Opportunities:

  • Donations for renovations of the lower-level storage and AHEPA rooms
  • Purchase of new chairs for the hall / auditorium
  • Replanting garden at front of the church for minimal upkeep
  • Snow clearing costs

KYKLOS – Hellenic Performing and Literary Arts Group


KYKLOS is an independently run, not-for-profit organization based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada that was established in 1983 to preserve and promote the Hellenic (Greek) performing arts. The organization was created by Caterina Pizanias and a group of university students of Hellenic descent.

Kyklos is operated by a group of dedicated volunteers that put in hundreds of hours each year learning and perfecting songs and dances from various areas throughout Greece and Cyprus.

The name “KYKLOS” in Greek means ‘Circle’, which is typical of most Greek dances which are performed in a circular motion.

KYKLOS is proud to have traveled across the world to perform, compete, and attend workshops in places such as Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Prague, Wales, Canada, and the United States of America.

Visit the KYKLOS website
Kyklos Edmonton, Alberta, Greek dance group

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA)


The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) is one of the largest Hellenic heritage groups in the world and an important community service organization in North America. The AHEPA Family is an umbrella organization that encompasses four divisions: AHEPA, the men’s division, the Daughters of Penelope, the women’s division, the Sons of Pericles and the Maids of Athena, the male and female youth divisions respectively.

The organization was founded in the Atlanta, Georgia in 1922. Since then it has borne chapters across the world – Canada, Greece, France, UK, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Panama, Australia, New Zealand, and Cyprus.

On October 28, 1928, AHEPA Supreme President, George Philies, started the first Canadian Chapter of AHEPA in Toronto.  10 years after that date, AHEPA was coast-to-coast in Canada serving it’s members, society, and leaving an incredible impression in each community in which they were engaged: Montreal, Ottawa, Belleville, Windsor, Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, Vancouver, Burnaby, and Victoria.

AHEPA was established in Edmonton in the 1930’s and was instrumental in sponsoring the first Greek School in Edmonton and in the building of St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church. The Daughters of Penelope Chapter was established in 1954.


For more information, contact:

Visit the AHEPA Canada website
AHEPA Canada, Edmonton, AB